Monday, September 6, 2010

Documentary 2010 - 2011: A Beginning

Its Labor Day. By this point you've all received several e-mails welcoming you to the program and with a link to a video - if not, please reach me privately as I might not have a working version of your e-mail address.

We will begin our work in a month and it is not too early to start looking for a project to shoot for the coming semesters. In Documentary the project is critical and will support your growth as a photographer and documentarian, I cannot overstate the importance of this. And so I invite you to use this time to create a list of possible subjects and begin researching. Along with access and availability the research you do will help form your point of view. For some of you this might seem basic and it is, for others this might be a blind spot in your work. No worries, e-mail (or phone) me directly and we can work through whatever block you might be wrestling.

Check out this three part video on Youtube about photographer Jeff Mermelstein, view the videos in sequence as follow:




Its an exciting time of new beginnings and fresh starts....lets roll.